Click here to play Ninja Saga [ play now ]
Required Tools [[blink]
Download Flash Player [/blink]]:
- Cheat Engine 5.XX
- Firefox
Credits: Nameless
Critical Damage Amplifier.
Maaf ini memakai Bahasa Inggris untuk Bahasa Indonesia mungkin besok Minggu hehehe.....
Langkah - Langkah :
- Enter Ninja Saga first and go to your Profile. <- important or you will not get any address
- Open Cheat Engine and select plugin-container.exe if you are using Firefox in the process list
- Select Hex, Array of Bytes, Also scan read only mem
- Scan "a93f9a9999999999a93f"
- 1 address returned. If there are more,select the address that ends with 6. (example: xxxxxxx6)
- Double click the address so it appears in the CE table.
- Copy the address.
- Click "Add Address Manually"
- Paste the address and add +22 at the end (example: xxxxxxx6+22)
- Change Type to "Double"
- Click OK
- Change the value of this newly added address to "999999"
- Now go fight, you will see that your damage is GODLIKE.
- Everyone will now have critical. Even your enemies. So only fight those that you can fight before them. Most of the hunting house bosses do not hit on first move which is good.
Untuk 100% critical hit:
1. Ganti Value "A93F9A9999999999A93F" ke "A93F000000000000F03F"
2. Sekarang kamu sudah pake Critical Cheat
Credit : PWTHIS
Untuk yang masih bingung nanti saya akan bikin Video nya.....
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