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Senin, 24 Januari 2011

eyeprotectorpro free

EyeProtectorPRO ada software untuk mengingatkan Anda untuk mengambil istirahat dan menyarankan Anda untuk melakukan beberapa latihan ringan bagi tubuh dan mata Anda. Hal ini memiliki fitur untuk mengingatkan Anda untuk melihat jauh dari PC Anda, sebagai dokter mata menyarankan pengguna PC harus melihat setidaknya 20 kaki setelah beberapa menit bekerja untuk menghindari RSI dan stres mata.

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What does it do?

(Blacken Screen During Breaks)
It reminds you to take breaks and suggest you to do some light exercises for your body and eyes. It has feature to remind you to look far from you PC, as eye doctors suggest a PC users should look at least 20 feet away after few minutes of work to avoid RSI and eyes stress.
It helps to decrease pain/strain/headaches caused by PC use.
  1. Headaches
  2. Back Pain
  3. Neck Pain
  4. Eye’s Pain
  5. Eye’s Strain
  6. Tired Eyes
  7. Hands stiffness
  8. RSI

(Look Away Reminder Screen)
If you have dark circles under eyes, they might be because of long hours of PC use without rest breaks. EyeProtectorPro reminds you to take rest breaks and it also reminds you to look away from PC screen, which helps to rest the eyes and eye muscles/veins around the eyes. If you use EyeProtectorPro every time you work on your PC, it can help you to lighten your dark circles.
You can easily setup  work  and read modes on your PC with EyeProtectorPro. You can have a standard(high) resolution with small fonts as most PC have and Other mode you can have with lower screen resolution making it easy for your eyes to see and read text.
It has Low Eye Strain Mode to let you change your monitor screen resolution quickly when you are reading web pages/documents etc. You can change monitor screen resolution with one click to switch between high and low resolutions. Which may come handy for power PC users such as designers & programmers.

(Settings Screen)

(Right Posture Reminder)

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